First post, or maybe post 0.1

Over the years, I have done a few little projects, which when I look back, I often can't remember all the details about how I solved a particular problem, or what the hurtles were along the way.  My thought with this blog was to document some of these projects, mainly for myself, but also for anyone that finds them interesting or helpful.  Some posts may be related to my work, others personal projects.  I like to tinker with anything technology related, whether it's Industrial Controls, custom phone ROM's, writing python code or tinkering with my Linux machine.

The focus at first, will most likely be geared towards pylogix, which is a communication driver that I maintain for accessing ControlLogix, CompactLogix and Micro8xx PLC's via Ethernet I/P.  I figure I'll probably write some tutorials as well as share some of the projects that I use it for.  I see this as a way document what I'm up to, so that I can refer back to it myself.  Maybe more of a journal as I don't expect many to see this.

The most recent project that comes to mind, which I wish I would have documented, was getting motioneye up and running to display a couple of webcam feeds on a TV.  I ran into a bit of trouble with the install, after a bit of googling, I got it running.  A few weeks later, I had to get it up and running on a different machine, do you think I'd remember what the heck I did to get it going?  Nope!  Should have written it down!

I'm not much of a writer or digital communicator, which I suppose makes this whole thing a little ironic, we'll see how this goes....


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